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  • Writer's pictureTeam Clancy

Gull Lake Early College: Everything You Need to Know

Updated: May 3, 2019

College is expensive. There’s no argument there. But, Gull Lake Community Schools has a solution to this growing problem: Early College. What are the details? Here’s a look at everything you need to know:

Gull Lake Early College is a rigorous five-year high school program that combines the high school and early college experience and helps students make a gradual transition from high school to full-time college students in three years. The program begins by incorporating both college and high school courses in 11th grade and, from there, increasing the college load until they reach full-time college status in grade 13. At the end of the program, the student walks away with both a high school diploma and an Associate’s Degree, an occupational certificate, 60+ transferable college credits or a MEMCA Certificate.

To make this possible, Gull Lake Early College partners with Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Kellogg Community College and Western Michigan University and offers both online and face-to-face instruction. The cost of tuition, course materials and fees are paid for (up to a certain amount) by Gull Lake Community Schools.

It is an incredible program ALL students should get involved in…and, it makes a difference. Here's a look at the goals of the program:

  • Increase the number of Gull Lake students enrolling in college.

  • Increase the number of Gull Lake students completing college.

  • Increase the postsecondary success for Gull Lake students through college knowledge and support.

  • Help with the financial cost of college.

  • Expand opportunities for high school students.

How do you get started? Follow these steps:

  1. Fill out an application. These are accepted during the 10th-grade year from February 1 to September 1.

  2. Wait for acceptance. You MUST be accepted in the program before the beginning of junior year.

  3. Prepare to do work at both the high school and college level.

Have questions? Get in touch with your student’s school counselor. They should be able to answer any questions you may have! Or visit Gull Lake Schools website here.


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